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About the fund

ZDR Investments SICAV a.s. is a fund of qualified investors and invests primarily in discount retail real estate in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Germany and Croatia.



5,9 Years


241,531 sqm


440 Mio. €


Performance of the QIF


      Share yields for Class A shares (CZK growth)

      Share yields for Class C shares (EUR growth)

      Overview of core data

      • Name
      ZDR Investments SICAV, a.s.
      Sub-fund ZDR, Sub-Fund Real Estate

      • Legal form
      Company limited by shares with variable share capital

      • Type of security
      Book-entry investment shares

      • Fund currency

      CZK / EURO

      • ISIN of the share class
      CZ0008042892, growth CZK
      CZ0008043833, growth EUR
      CZ0008042967, dividend CZK
      CZ0008043841, dividend EUR

      • Valuation frequency
      Value of the shares is determined monthly

      • Minimum investments
      125.000 €

      • Recommendation investment horizon
      5 years and more

      • Projected net yield
      7-9% per annum (net of management costs)

      • Fund manager 
      ZDR Investments investiční společnost a.s.

      • Fund administrator
      CODYA investiční společnost, a.s.

      • Depositary

      Česká spořitelna, a.s.

      • Valuation of assets

      TPA Audit s.r.o.

      • Entry fee

      max 3,1%

      • Exit fee

      0% after 3 years after acquisition of investment shares

      • Management fee
      1,5% per annum

      • Performance fee
      30% of fund’s capital appreciation exceeding 5% per annum

      Properties in portfolio

      Retail park Slovenj Gradec, SI

      Retail park Slovenj Gradec, SI

      Retail park Prevalje, SI

      Retail park Prevalje, SI

      Retail park Ravne, SI

      Retail park Ravne, SI

      Retail Park Kunratice, CZ

      Retail Park Kunratice, CZ

      Galerija Bakar, HR

      Galerija Bakar, HR

      Retail park Teplice, CZ

      Retail park Teplice, CZ

      Retail park Ostrava Poruba

      Retail park Ostrava Poruba

      Retail park Most, CZ

      Retail park Most, CZ

      Retail park Hradec Králové, CZ

      Retail park Hradec Králové, CZ

      Retail park Voitsberg II, AT

      Retail park Voitsberg II, AT

      Retail park Voitsberg III

      Retail park Voitsberg III

      Retail park Bílovec

      Retail park Bílovec

      Retail park Voitsberg

      Retail park Voitsberg

      Retail park Pula

      Retail park Pula

      Retail park Komárno

      Retail park Komárno

      Retail park Wolfsberg

      Retail park Wolfsberg

      Retail park Rakovník

      Retail park Rakovník

      Retail park Frýdek-Místek

      Retail park Frýdek-Místek

      Retail park Vídeň

      Retail park Vídeň

      Retail park Schwörstadt

      Retail park Schwörstadt

      Retail park Litoměřice

      Retail park Litoměřice

      Retail park Ostrava-Dubina

      Retail park Ostrava-Dubina

      Retail park Pardubice

      Retail park Pardubice

      Retail park Stříbro

      Retail park Stříbro

      Hypermarket Albert Chrudim

      Hypermarket Albert Chrudim

      Hypermarket Albert Svitavy

      Hypermarket Albert Svitavy

      Hypermarket Albert Přerov

      Hypermarket Albert Přerov

      Albert Ústí nad Orlicí

      Albert Ústí nad Orlicí

      Retail park Opava

      Retail park Opava

      BILLA Mariánské Lázně

      BILLA Mariánské Lázně

      BILLA Jičín

      BILLA Jičín

      PENNY Votice

      PENNY Votice

      PENNY Tachov

      PENNY Tachov

      PENNY Nýřany

      PENNY Nýřany

      JYSK Vrchlabí

      JYSK Vrchlabí

      JYSK Havlíčkův Brod

      JYSK Havlíčkův Brod

      JYSK Rakovník

      JYSK Rakovník

      Retail park Jičín

      Retail park Jičín

      KiK Nové Zámky

      KiK Nové Zámky

      KiK Chrastava

      KiK Chrastava

      Logistic park Prešov

      Logistic park Prešov

      Kunstdepot Salzburg

      Kunstdepot Salzburg

      Riskiness of the investment

      The Articles of Association of ZDR Investments SICAV a.s., or the subfund ZDR, subfund Real Estate contain a list of risks associated with the investment. In accordance with the rules applicable to collective investment, it should be noted that past performance of the fund does not guarantee future performance. An investment in investment shares issued to the ZDR, Real Estate Sub-Fund involves the risk of fluctuations in the current value of the amount invested and the returns thereon and is not guaranteed to return the amount originally invested.